Real Estate

The real estate industry is facing significant challenges related to affordable housing, labor shortages, rising construction costs, and changing market dynamics. These issues require creative solutions and innovative approaches from real estate professionals in order to ensure that the industry can continue to meet the needs of buyers, renters, and investors. The following examples are just a few ways how we can help the real estate industry.

Finding Ideal Assets

Whether done individually or collaboratively with a real estate company, finding the right properties to invest in can be a difficult task. We analyze vast data on properties, such as crime rates, school district, and zoning, to identify the potential of a property. Through our thorough research and analytics, our Team helps real estate investors and developers identify properties that are likely to be profitable, and can also be used to improve the efficiency of property transactions by reducing the need for multiple inspections and valuations.

Property Management

Managing a property effectively requires understanding a wide range of data, such as occupancy rates, maintenance costs, and tenant satisfaction. Our Team analyzes such data and to identify trends, making it possible to make informed decisions about property management. For example, using data analytics, a property manager can track occupancy rates and rent collection to identify patterns and make decisions about when to raise or lower rent, or when to invest in building upgrades. Additionally, we analyze maintenance costs and schedules, to identify patterns that can help optimize maintenance and reduce costs.

Property Appraisal

Determining the fair market value of a property is a complex task that depends on many factors, such as location, size, condition, and local market conditions. We use machine learning algorithms to analyze data on comparable properties and make accurate price predictions. This can help real estate agents and appraisers more accurately price properties, and can also be used to improve the efficiency of property transactions by reducing the need for multiple inspections and valuations.